Open a new account
Most accounts opened with Symplany℠ Pro are brand new accounts.
Looking to open an FLD account instead? Click here.
Occasionally you might have an existing account (e.g. Spectrum or FLD) that you want to switch over to Symplany Pro. The steps required to open a Symplany Pro account depend on your situation. The sections below walk through all three scenarios:
Scenario 1: Open a new account (most common)
- Create a client portfolio in Symplany Pro
- Create an Envestnet® Proposal and finish the application in Emma
Scenario 2: Add an existing Spectrum account to Symplany Pro
- Create a client portfolio in Symplany Pro
- Modify the goal in Envestnet®
- Service the account in Emma
Scenario 3: Switch an account from FLD / Symplany One to Symplany Pro
If you are approved to use advisor limited discretion (ALD) on the account and are NOT changing the account's investment objective or fee schedule:
- Create a client portfolio in Symplany Pro
- Email nsinvestments the following:
- Account number
- Indicate that you would like to switch your Symplany One account over to Symplany Pro
If you do NOT have advisor limited discretion (ALD), or if you ARE changing the investment objective or fee schedule for your account, you will also need to:
- Modify the goal in Envestnet®
- Service the account in Emma
- In your email to nsinvestments, include:
- the Modify goal confirmation # (from Envestnet®)
- The type of discretion you'll be using (i.e. non-discretionary, solicited OR discretionary, unsolicited)