My Advice Architect® - upload trades

After you calculate trades for your client in Symplany Pro, My Advice Architect® is where you place trades.

If you have multiple monitors, we recommend putting this set of instructions on one screen while moving through My Advice Architect® on another.

Steps to place trades

  1. Upload your spreadsheet
  2. Submit the trades

Step 1: Upload your spreadsheet

Symplany Pro generates a .CSV file with all pertinent trade information that you can upload into My Advice Architect®

  1. On the My Advice Architect homepage, click the Manage tab and select Trade Generation in the dropdown window.

  2. Go to the Ext, Trades tab, click the Actions button, select Import Trades in the dropdown menu, then in the popup window, Choose File, locate the .CSV file on your computer (hint: it's probably in your Downloads folder), click Open, then click Import.

Step 2: Review and submit trades

  1. Go to the Review tab, click the vertical ellipses to access the Manage Trades dropdown window, and click Move Trades to Submission Tab. Next, click Move Trades to Submission Tab in the popup window.

  2. On the Submission tab, click the vertical ellipses to access the Manage Trades dropdown window, click Submit Trades.

  3. Indicate the type of discretion exercised and then click Execute Trades.

Step 3: (Optional) Verify that trades went through

After submitting trades, you can view your trade confirmation in the Orders tab on the Trade Execution page. Click the 'triangle' icon to see more details. 

You can also view trades in NetX on the order screen 

This completes your order upload. Whether you are uploading one trade or a hundred, your spreadsheet will contain all relevant information for every trade. This process takes the same amount of time regardless of how many trades are placed.

The trade cutoff is typically 2:45pm CST / 3:45 EST. Trades placed after this time will be released the following market day.

Contact if you have any questions.

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