eMoney Advisor® integration
Advisors like to use eMoney for planning complicated client situations. These advisors need a way to capture the key pieces of an eMoney plan and transcribe them into Symplany℠ if they want a portfolio that supports the plan.
There are 5 pieces of information from eMoney that need to be captured in Symplany℠ to properly build a portfolio:
- Assets
- Inflation assumption
- Goals
- Sources (if applicable)
- Savings (if applicable)
Helpful Reminders
Garbage in, garbage out
The Symplany℠ portfolio is generated on the basis of the plan information. It is very important that the plan information is accurate!
It takes a long time to manually transcribe each piece of information from eMoney into Symplany℠. Although this help document will assist with the process, this is by no means a quick process.
Don’t wait!
Once you have your eMoney information over in Symplany℠, place the trade! The information in eMoney will update and change daily. You will want to place the trade in Symplany℠ before there is too much change in eMoney and you have to start the process all over.
Step 1: Assets
Make sure the assets in eMoney and Symplany℠ line up correctly.
In eMoney:
eMoney assets are in the Overview section:
Only include assets that factor into the Symplany℠ plan. For example, almost always exclude ‘cash’ accounts like checking, savings, money market, life insurance cash value, or anything else that does not behave like an investment.
Assets Under Management should pull into Symplany℠ automatically if you have properly linked the accounts.
Assets Held Away are a manual entry in Symplany℠ (if you click the hyperlinks in eMoney, you can see the allocation).
In Symplany℠:
Assets can be added under the General section.
In ‘Draft mode,’ internal assets can be imported automatically in the Account setup section.
Remember to indicate the Type of account, who the Owner is, and whether it is External (Ext.) or not.
Step 2: Inflation Assumption
Make sure the inflation assumptions in both eMoney and Symplany℠ match. You can set the inflation assumption for Symplany℠ on the General page:
Step 3: Goals
In eMoney:
Use the “Total Withdrawals” column in eMoney as the input value in Symplany℠. Find this column in eMoney:
Reports > Cash Flow > Withdrawals > Total Withdrawals:
In Symplany℠:
- In the retirement section, type in the Goal name and click on the Info dropdown.
- Goal Type = Custom
- CPI box = unchecked
- Displayed inflation = Nominal
- Click Update goals in grid (not pictured)
- For each year, manually type in the eMoney Total Withdrawal amount in every row.
- Click Fine-tune Goals to save these changes.
Step 4: Sources
This step is optional.
Sources are ongoing streams of income. Since a client’s life insurance cash value in Symplany℠ is not counted as an asset, it is typically counted as a source.
Social Security amounts do not typically get added to Symplany℠ as a source, since they are already accounted for within the eMoney plan.
Other planned withdrawals from investment accounts do not count as a source in Symplany℠.
In eMoney:
Go to Planned Withdrawals:
Reports > Cash Flow > Withdrawals > Planned Withdrawals:
In Symplany℠:
Sources are set up much like Goal amounts:
- Enter a Source name and click the Info dropdown
- Goal Type = Custom
- CPI box = unchecked
- Displayed inflation = Nominal
- Click Update sources in grid at the bottom of the page (not pictured)
- Manually type in the Life Insurance planned withdrawal amount in each row
- Click Fine-tune Sources to save these changes.
Step 5: Savings
Use the Total Savings column in eMoney as the input into Symplany℠.
In eMoney:
Access Total Savings:
Reports > Cash Flow > Savings > Total Savings:
In Symplany℠:
Savings is set up much like Goal and Source amounts:
- Select which account(s) will receive the savings
- Goal Type = Custom
- CPI box = unchecked
- Displayed inflation = Nominal
- Click Update savings in grid (not pictured)
- Manually type in the Total Savings amount in each row
- Click Fine-tune Savings to save these changes
When you've completed all of the steps above, the Symplany℠ plan components are complete and the portfolio is ready to trade.
To place the trade, follow these steps